Segment Tree
A segment tree is a binary tree data structure that allows answering range queries and updating values in an array in logarithmic time. Each leaf node of the segment tree represents a single element of the array, and each non-leaf node represents a segment (or range) of the array, covering the elements of its children.
Why Segment Trees
Consider a scenario where we have an array of numbers, and we want to frequently update its values and also compute the sum of a range of elements.
One could iterate through the range and calculate the sum.
The array update will be O(1)
and the range query will be O(n)
, but this would be inefficient with frequent queries.
Segment trees make these operations efficient, performing both tasks in O(log n)
Anatomy of the Segment Tree
- Leaves: The leaves of the tree represent individual elements of the input array.
- Internal Nodes: Every internal node represents some segment of the array. For instance, if the left and right children of a node represent the ranges [a, b] and [c, d] respectively, then the parent node represents the range [a, d].
We can use linked-list tree data structure to store the binary tree but it will use significant overhead on each element for the left and right pointer.
Instead, we can use array-based tree which allows easy access to left child and right child from any node using simple arithmetic.
For example, if we store the root at index 1
, then given any node at position index
, we can access its children:
- Left child:
index * 2
- Right child:
index * 2 + 1
The number of nodes needed in this case 2 * 2^ceil(log2(n)) - 1
, since we store root at 1, so the array length needed is 2 * 2^ceil(log2(n))
(need to check the visualization and implementation to see this)
Building the Tree O(n)
function build(tree: number[], node: number, a: number[], start: number, end: number): number {
if (start === end) {
tree[node] = a[start]
} else {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2)
const left = build(tree, node * 2, a, start, mid)
const right = build(tree, node * 2 + 1, a, mid + 1, end)
tree[node] = left + right
return tree[node]
Querying O(log n)
function query(tree: number[], node: number, start: number, end: number, l: number, r: number): number {
// query range out of the current segment
if (l > end || r < start) {
return 0
// query range includes the whole current segment
if (l <= start && r >= end) {
return tree[node]
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2)
// start query on left and right
const rs = query(tree, node * 2, start, mid, l, r) + query(tree, node * 2, mid + 1, end, l, r)
return rs
Updating O(log n)
function update(tree: number[], node: number, start: number, end: number, ind: number, value: number): number {
if (start === end && start === ind) {
tree[node] = value
} else {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2)
if (ind >= start && ind <= mid) {
update(tree, node*2, start, mid, ind, value)
} else if (ind >= mid + 1 && ind <= end) {
update(tree, node*2 + 1, mid+1, end, ind, value)
tree[node] = tree[node*2] + tree[node*2 + 1]
return tree[node]
Using the above
export class SegmentTree {
tree: number[] = []
len: number
constructor(a: number[]) {
this.len = a.length
build(this.tree, 1, a, 0, a.length - 1)
update(ind: number, val: number) {
update(this.tree, 1, 0, this.len - 1, ind, val)
query(l: number, r: number): number {
return query(this.tree, 1, 0, this.len - 1, l, r)
Segment trees can be used for:
- Sum of a given range.
- Finding the minimum/maximum of a range.
- GCD of a range.
- Lazy propagation (an optimization for range updates).
- And more!