Mint Upload
Users own pixels by minting on the main map and then will be able to put images on self-minted pixels.
- Use toolbox to change to select mode (hand icon), select pixels by pressing and dragging on the board.
- Click Mint, confirm paying to buy the NFTs, and confirm the minted pixels's color change.
- Select minted pixels on the map and click "Image".
- Choose an image, crop size to fit the area, input title, subtitle, and link, and click upload.
- Confirm the image appears on the map after block finalized with no error.
After done putting image on the main map, owner will be able to enter the image and put more images inside on the sub-map, which is 100x larger than the image outside area:
- Click on the image to enter the sub-map.
- Do the same steps above to place more images inside.